Everyone have a own voice, What’s yours?

Are You Interested in Writing for BloggerPost.my.id?
We are thankful for expressing your interest in making a contribution to BloggerPost.my.id blog.
BLOGGER POST providing an opportunity to submit a guest post on our website. We accept guest posts on Finance, Business, Tech News, Social media, Law, educations, Marketing, Business blogging, Startup and Entrepreneurship, and other various categories topics to write for us.
Do you have prime expertise on a topic that you’d love to share with our audience? These are a great way to share your experience and advice with others so that they can start, grow business and their financial situations. Write for us to get Expand your outreach, Promote your Business, Link building and much more.
Guidelines for Guest Post Blogger Post
Thanks for showing interest in writing for BloggerPost.my.id
What kind of articles can I write? You can write an article that relates to the categories
- Business
- Fashion
- Finance
- Educations
- Health
- Automotive
- Legal
- Food
- Beauty
- Home Improvement
- Real Estate
- Shopping
- Technology
- Travel
- Services
- Tips
- How to
- Digital Marketing
- Accounting
- Mobile Applications
- General
- Kitchen
- Woman
Guest Post Submission Guide – Write for us
Guidelines to follow before sending an article to BLOGGER POST:
Only original, unique, relevant, well-written content will be considered. If you have published this article elsewhere, don’t bother submitting it here, We check Copyscapes and Google before we publish!
- The article should be a minimum of 700 words.
- Avoid any grammatical errors.
- All images should be original, licensed or public domain.
- The articles should be easily readable and divided into sections with subheadings.
- We accept only 1 dofollow link in total.
- All your article posts under the admin/editor only.
- We are selective about what posts we publish. Your writing should be well written, interesting, unique and informative.
- Once your articles published on our blog you can’t re-published the articles anywhere.
If your quality articles are ready according to our guidelines please send and get the opportunity to be global with your thinking. Please email your pitch or article at [email protected] OR you can contact us using this contact form.